Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Migration of Siberian Cranes to India

Keoladeo Ghana National Park, Bharatpur in Rajasthan has been the only known wintering grounds for Siberian Crane in India since 1940s. 

A pair of Siberian Crane, i.e. two birds, was sighted last in the Keoladeo Ghana National Park during the year 2000-01. The Minister of state (I/C) for Environment and Forests Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan stated this in Rajya Sabha today. 

The Minister stated that the Government has taken following steps to ensure the migration of Siberian Cranes to India: 

(i) A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Conservation of Siberian Cranes under the auspices of the Convention on Migratory Species of wild animals (Bonn Convention) has been signed to develop partnership with other countries along the migratory route of the species in Asia to help reduce threats for Siberian Cranes and preserve wetland sites required for their migration to India. 

(ii) Governments of India and Russia have signed a bilateral treaty to conserve cranes and ensure their safety in the breeding and wintering sites. 

(iii) The Government is taking necessary measures to restore the wetland character of Keoladeo National Park, which is the major wintering site of Siberian Crane.

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