Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Committee to Resolve Chakma and Hajong Issue

The Government of India has constituted a Quadripartite Committee Comprising of Government of India, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, All Arunachal Pradesh Students Union and Chakma organisations to resolve the decade long pending issue of Chakma and Hajong. The Committee under the Chairmanship of the Joint Secretary (NE), MHA was constituted on the 10th August, 2010 with the objectives to examine various issues relating to settlement of Chakmas & Hajongs including the possibility of grant of Indian Citizenship to eligible Chakmas / Hajongs and to recommend measures to be taken by Central Govt. / State Govt. in the matter.

The first meeting of the Committee on Chakma-Hajongs was held on 9th January, 2012. It was decided in the meeting that the State Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh would consider grant of citizenship to eligible Chakmas and Hajongs who were settled in the State between 1964-69 after a joint field verification by All Arunachal Pradesh Students Union (AAPSU) & Committee for Citizenship Rights on Chakma & Hajongs of Arunachal Pradesh (CCRCHAP). 

This was stated by Shri Mullappally Ramachandran, Minister of State of Home Affairs in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today

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