Tuesday 29 May 2012

CCI’S Advocacy Initiatives in Delhi Schools

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is creating awareness about the Competition Act among various stakeholders since its inception in 2003. Recognizing the need to generate awareness among senior secondary school children about the importance of healthy and fair competition in markets, the Commission has recently taken initiatives to organize Workshops in some of the reputed public schools in Delhi. 

In order to facilitate the understanding of this economic law among the students, the Commission has designed a small booklet ‘Understanding Competition Law’ in simple language which is distributed to students. 

So far the Commission has covered around 15 schools in Delhi. In future, more schools in and outside Delhi will be covered. The Commission also proposes to approach authorities to include competition law in the curriculum of the schools. 

Students have been fascinated by this new area of knowledge and their involvement in the interactions has been very encouraging. They are also elated with opening of new vistas in their career pursuits

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